Goldilocks Bouquet


Elevate your special occasions with our exquisite White Satin Rose Florets Bouquet. Goldilocks is adorned with an intricately placed assortment of pearls and bedazzled jewels. The unique features is the gold metal & crystal handle, with a gold bauble center. This unusual design is for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any moment that deserves to be extraordinary, our Goldilocks Bouquet is a statement of refinement and love.

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Elevate your special occasions with our exquisite White Satin Rose Florets Bouquet. Goldilocks is adorned with an intricately placed assortment of pearls and bedazzled jewels. The unique features is the gold metal & crystal handle, with a gold bauble center. This unusual design is for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any moment that deserves to be extraordinary, our Goldilocks Bouquet is a statement of refinement and love.

Elevate your special occasions with our exquisite White Satin Rose Florets Bouquet. Goldilocks is adorned with an intricately placed assortment of pearls and bedazzled jewels. The unique features is the gold metal & crystal handle, with a gold bauble center. This unusual design is for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any moment that deserves to be extraordinary, our Goldilocks Bouquet is a statement of refinement and love.